Einzel- und Doppelzimmer in Tettnang 88069 Tettnang
Einzel- und Doppelzimmer / Wohnungen Es sind bis zu 25 Betten vorhanden Großer Parkplatz vorhanden

Address & Contact
Imanuel Schramm
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
Einzel- und Doppelzimmer in Tettnang
88069 Tettnang, Germany
Prices (VAT incl.)
10 Single rooms for one person from 24,00 €
Number: 10
Guests: 1
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 30,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:24,00 €
Rooms and sleeping places for this unit
Paid extras per unit
Paid garage parking
Seasonal prices and discounts
Seasonal discount for October to end of December
10 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 20,00 € per person
Number: 10
Guests: 2
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 30,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:40,00 €
4 Shared rooms for 4 persons each from 18,00 € per person
Number: 4
Guests: 4
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 30,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:72,00 €
6 Whole accommodations for 4 persons each from 131,00 € per person
Number: 6
Guests: 4
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 30,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:525,00 €
This accommodation welcomes guests on DeinZimmer.de since 26.02.2023.
per person from 18,00 € (VAT incl.)