Affordable accommodation for the meantime

Affordable interim rent for students, trainees and young professionals

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Affordable accommodation in any city

Student rooms and furnished apartments for a short time

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You want to advertise your property?

On you can find cheap accommodation. Here, private individuals, guesthouses and hotels rent to students, trainees and interim tenants - uncomplicated through direct contact and without booking fees.

No booking commissions

Low monthly fee instead of high booking commissions To the prices.

Maximum accommodation occupancy

Year-round occupancy - even in the off-season - by tens of thousands of seekers.

Personal customer service

Assistance with listings & any questions by phone and e-mail.

More info for landlords

From guest rooms to fully furnished apartments

Varied accommodation in the lower price segment

Frequently asked questions about

How do I advertise on

Here you can access our information page for landlords. You will be guided step by step through the registration process.

How much does it cost to advertise a property?

At you pay a monthly amount for your advertisement. There are no further costs per booking or rental. Advertisements start from 5,00€ (net) per month. You can find an overview of the prices here.

How do I book accommodation?

If you are interested in accommodation, there are several ways to contact the landlord. Using the booking request form, you can make a non-binding request with all the details about your stay. In addition, the contact details of the landlord are in the entry, so you can contact him by phone or email.

What do I have to consider when renting to students and trainees?

In contrast to renting to vacationers, renting to students & trainees should focus on functionality. Good wifi in the accommodation is usually a prerequisite. Students & trainees are usually self-sufficient, so it is recommended to provide a small kitchenette with electronic appliances such as kettle, microwave, etc.

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and increase your utilization effectively and easily. No booking commissions or hidden costs.

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