Landhaus Schuster 84427 Sankt Wolfgang
Unterkunft in schöner Alleinlage im Münchener Umland mit guter Verkehrsanbindung
Address & Contact
Landhaus Schuster
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
A hint from the landlord is available in Polish Landhaus Schuster
Holz am Berg 2
84427 Sankt Wolfgang, Germany
Prices (no VAT appl.)
2 Whole accommodations for 5 persons each from 18,00 € per person
Number: 2
Guests: 5
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 60,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 4
Price:90,00 €
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 19.06.2017.
per person from 18,00 € (no VAT appl.)