Apartment in Lörrach 79539 Lörrach
In der Zentralen Lage von Lörrach. All in One. Ohne versteckte Kosten.

Address & Contact
Waldemar Pfeifer
Owner's noteA hint from the landlord is available in German
Apartment in Lörrach
79539 Lörrach, Germany
Prices (VAT incl.)
Whole accommodation for 5 persons from 22,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 5
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:110,00 €
Seasonal prices and discounts
Seasonal discount for October to end of December
Whole accommodation for 5 persons from 22,00 € per person
Number: 1
Guests: 5
Minimum stay (nights): 7
Price:110,00 €
This accommodation welcomes guests on DeinZimmer.de since 01.05.2024.
per person from 22,00 € (VAT incl.)