Wohnung in Cäcilienstraße, Mülheim an der Ruhr 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Fitting rooms and apartments in the house Cäcilienstraße, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Address & Contact
Rudolf Latikan
Wohnung in Cäcilienstraße, Mülheim an der Ruhr
45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
You have small assignments for 1-2 persons for a few days? No problem!
You have a large construction site for 30 people over a period of 2 years? No problem at all!
We will find the right accommodation for every company. Internet, TV sets in every room, weekly fresh bed linen and guest towels as well as weekly intermediate cleaning are included. No costs for final cleaning. No deposit.
a-domo is the market leader in the Rhine and Ruhr region, also in Essen and Oberhausen, in terms of price and performance.
Welcome are business customers, families, tourists, cultural workers and sportsmen from all regions and countries as well as trade fair guests who can easily travel from Düsseldorf or Essen.
Supermarkets and restaurants are easily accessible on foot or by car.
From the highway it is only a few minutes drive to arrive at the property and to the city center you need only 10 minutes.
Our units can be rented for a few days or for several weeks.
Make your non-binding inquiry now via: info@a-domo.de or call us directly on 0208 65 74 10.
We look forward to working with you!
Prices (VAT incl.)
4 Single rooms for one person from 20,00 €
Number: 4
Guests: 1
Price:20,00 €
9 Double rooms for 2 persons each from 18,00 € per person
Number: 9
Guests: 2
Price:35,00 €
11 Shared rooms for 4 persons each from 13,00 € per person
Number: 11
Guests: 4
Price:50,00 €
5 Whole accommodations for 10 persons each from 12,00 € per person
Number: 5
Guests: 10
Price:120,00 €
Additional pricing information
The prices at a-domo are flexible depending on the number of people and the duration of the stay. We kindly request inquiries via email or phone at 0208 65 74 10. As a reference point:
Single rooms can be booked starting from 20 euros.
In double rooms , we charge from 17.50 euros per person.
In apartments (up to 130 sqm), you can stay from 12 euros per night.
We do not charge an additional cleaning fee. Bed linen and small towels are provided.
This accommodation welcomes guests on DeinZimmer.de since 09.05.2023.
per person from 12,00 € (VAT incl.)