Ruhige Gäste Wohnung im Flüsse Viertel/ Neustadt 28199 Bremen
Gemütliches Gästezimmer mit Balkon, privatem Bad und guter Verkehrsanbindung in ruhiger Lage

Address & Contact
Elke Schomaker
Ruhige Gäste Wohnung im Flüsse Viertel/ Neustadt
28199 Bremen, Germany
Prices (no VAT appl.)
Whole accommodation for one person from 30,00 €
Number: 1
Guests: 1
Final cleaning fee, if applicable: 40,00 €
Minimum stay (nights): 4
Price:30,00 €
Seasonal prices and discounts
Seasonal discount for January to end of March: 20%
Seasonal discount for April to end of June: 20%
Seasonal discount for October to end of December: 20%
Long-term stay discount from 1 month: 28%
This accommodation welcomes guests on since 29.05.2018.
from 30,00 € (no VAT appl.)