Ismaninger Str. , 85356 Freising
from 17,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodation: Pension Tendera GmbHKlötzlmüllerstraße , 84034 Landshut
from 18,75 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationAhornweg , 84032 Landshut
from 35,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationLuitpoldstrasse , 84034 Landshut
from 20,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationMoosburger Straße , 85410 Haag an der Amper
Min period of 7 nights
Piesenkofen , 84546 Egglkofen
Min period of 2 nights
Hauptstraße , 84079 Bruckberg
from 25,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationDorfstraße , 85410 Haag an der Amper
Inkofener Straße , 85410 Haag an der Amper
Affordable accommodation and accommodation for students in Landshut from 18,75 €
Holiday homes, apartments, guest houses, bed & breakfast and hotels
Direct contact to the landlord, no commission fee
Overall, there are more than 3 rentals in Landshut which you can sort by distance to the city-center.
In the list view, you can use the equipment filter to see results for accommodations that allow dogs, cats and other pets.
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